Letting Go Of Things That Mentally Weigh Us Down And Cause Us To Be Tired
To have more mental energy for your business or profession, you must relieve yourself of things that weigh down your mind. Worry, anxiety, fear and lack of focus all weigh down the mind. Why? Again, these things steal your excitement for the things in life. Stolen excitement = lack of motivation for work. Sometimes in life we can be so used to worrying and being anxious that we develop a subconscious pattern of thinking this way, without being aware of it. In essence, we have developed a WellSpring of worry and anxiety instead of peace, joy and energy.
You can help break these destructive energy habits by using the Littleton Principle of fractionating to break down your elephant concerns, and critically thinking about how another approach can be more constructive. This is how we allow our minds to rest. When we let go of destructive thinking, we find that we have now entered a void where a sense of anxiety can actually overtake us, because now we have come into a new mental place that we are not used to—a mind free of being weighed down.
In this place, if we do not act quickly to replace constructive thinking where we used to think destructively, we will revert back to our old thinking. We must become comfortable with thinking positive and letting go of life’s concerns in order to rest and refresh ourselves for productive work. When we do, we will find that we’ll have more energy. Letting the mind rest of destructive thinking by going for a walk, listening to music, exercising, praying—being still—will help us to Reset so we can think clearly and engage in a professional life of more energy by having more mental energy